Zak Advisory, LLC
We are traditional in that we establish positions in individual equities, bonds, master limited partnerships (MLP’s) and preferred issues. We do not invest in mutual funds, annuities or synthetic products of any kind. Nor do we use proprietary strategies or programs of any outside money managers or institutions. Each account is engineered to the client’s needs pursuant to our investment policies. There is no “one size fits all” approach. Although the same securities will be owned across accounts, the degree of diversification, concentration and/or cash (not yet invested funds) will be determined on an individual account basis. There can be, however, simultaneous buying and selling of positions across accounts.
We are fundamental in that we believe in the strength and long-term viability of the companies that we buy. We intend to hold bonds until maturity or call for income accounts. We anticipate dividends being maintained for the MLP’s, REIT’s and preferred equities. We establish positions in growth equities depending on their individual prospects (“special situations”) or those of the sector. We do not trade according to technical analysis (charting), as it is considered a tool of the decision-making process.
We are not aggressive in the sense of speculation, but as a means to manage assets in the increasingly fast-moving and volatile capital markets. Such factors as high-frequency trading, hedge funds and the rapid movement of funds across international borders all come into play for our decisions and we may have to act accordingly. Short-term gains/losses may be taken when long term would be more desirable. We may concentrate a position unexpectedly if we think a security or sector is oversold. All such adjustments must remain within the parameters set forth in our investment policies and those conditions established with each client. |
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Zak Advisory, LLC 955 West St Clair Avenue Suite 205, Cleveland, OH 44113 (216) 970-1904 |
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